How Much Does it Cost to Develop an MVP for your App

Measure twice, cut once. Before you invest resources, time, and money into developing an app for your business, it’s crucial to ensure that your idea has legs and that your app has a place in the market. That’s where a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) comes in.

An MVP is a strategic stepping stone that allows you to test the waters, gather early feedback, and validate your idea before scaling up. By developing an MVP, you can avoid costly missteps, refine your vision, and create an app that truly resonates with your target audience. Did you know that premature scaling is the reason behind the failure of 70% of startups that didn’t make it?

Especially at a time like ours when options abound, competition is fierce, and the consumer is spoilt for choice. What seems like a great idea on paper might face huge roadblocks in the market. You may realize that the consumer isn’t discovering your product, or a similar alternative exists and you need a sharper strategy. Rolling out a minimum viable product ensures that for a small investment, you get a crystal ball view of the future of your product. From here, you can begin fine-tuning your app over the future iterations, making sure you’re on the right track.

Uber, Zappos, Facebook – They all began with an MVP!

The first version of Uber app was very basic and available only in San Francisco. Yet, it got the job done and left no doubts that the taxi hailing industry was in need of a disruption. From then on, there’s been no looking back for Uber.

The story of Zappos is even more riveting. Zappos, now a major player in online shoe retail, started with a clever MVP approach by its founder, Nick Swinmurn. Back in 1999, Nick wanted to see if people would actually buy shoes online. So, he put up pictures of shoes on his website—even though he didn’t have a single pair in stock. When someone placed an order, he’d run to the local store, buy the shoes, and ship them out himself. This scrappy method let him test his idea with minimal investment. The response was overwhelmingly positive, proving that there was a market for online shoe sales. This MVP strategy laid the foundation for Zappos, which eventually grew into a billion-dollar business.

And of course, we all know how became the media giant Facebook/Meta we know today. the point is, developing an MVP has been the go-to approach of top businesses for a reason.

An MVP serves as a strategic starting point, allowing you to test your concept, gather early user feedback, and refine your vision before scaling up. By investing in an MVP, you mitigate the risk of costly mistakes and ensure your app resonates with its intended audience.

But you already know that. What you’re really wondering is how much does it cost to develop an MVP? Many entrepreneurs shy away from building an MVP, preferring to allocate their budget directly to the final product. This hesitation often arises from a lack of understanding about the cost of an MVP and the misconception that it may be prohibitively expensive.

In reality, the cost of developing an MVP can range from $15,000 to $150,000. This wide spectrum accommodates various budget constraints, making it possible to create an MVP even with limited funds. The key is recognizing that the investment in an MVP pays dividends by providing critical insights and helping you avoid significant expenditures down the line.

Now, let’s break down these costs in detail. We’ll explore the factors that influence MVP development costs, the various components involved, and provide you with a framework to budget your MVP effectively. By the end of this blogpost, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to embark on your app development journey with confidence, ensuring your app development journey starts on the right note.


But First, More on Why You Must Develop an MVP

Before diving into the specifics of cost, let’s revisit why developing an MVP is an essential step in the app development process. An MVP is more than just a scaled-down version of your final product; it’s a powerful tool for market validation. By releasing an MVP, you can:

Validate your Idea

An MVP allows you to validate your core hypotheses about the market need and user behavior. By putting a basic version of your app into the hands of users, you can see how they interact with it and whether it meets their needs, thereby ensuring that your concept has real-world applicability.

Attract Early Adopters

Developing an MVP helps engage a group of initial users who provide invaluable feedback. These early adopters can highlight what’s working and what’s not, giving you direction for future development. They also become advocates for your product, helping to build a loyal user base from the outset.

Iterate Quickly

One of the main advantages of MVP development is the ability to use real-world data to refine features and improve user experience iteratively. It helps you gather early feedback which can help you develop a better product. This agile approach means you can make data-driven decisions, prioritize the most useful aspects of your app, and do away with unnecessary features that don’t add value.

Impress Investors and Secure Funding

A well-developed MVP demonstrates traction and a viable business model to potential investors. When you can show that your MVP has garnered interest and positive feedback, it significantly increases your chances of securing additional funding to develop the full version of your app.

Mitigate Risk

MVP development helps identify and address potential issues early in the development cycle. By uncovering technical snags or underperforming features early, you save time and money in the long run, reducing the risk of launching a full product that doesn’t meet market expectations, or requires expensive re-do’s.


What is an MVP?

To fully appreciate the importance and cost of an MVP, it’s crucial to understand what an MVP is. A Minimum Viable Product is the simplest version of your app that can be released to users. It includes only the core features necessary to address the primary needs of your target audience and solve a specific problem.

An MVP is not a prototype or a beta version. Check out this blogpost to understand how MVP, Prototype, and POC are different. The MVP is a fully functional app, albeit with limited features, designed to validate your idea in the market.

It enables you to test your idea, gather real-world feedback, and make informed decisions about the future of your product. By focusing on delivering value to users with a minimal investment, an MVP sets the foundation for a successful, scalable app.


Cost of Developing an MVP

The cost to develop an MVP can range widely, typically between $15,000 and $150,000. This broad range depends on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the features included, the development team’s location, and the time required to develop the product.

You can decide how much you wish to spend on developing your MVP by adjusting any of the different factors that affect the cost of MVP development. If on a tight budget, you could choose to outsource MVP development. You could scale down the scope of your MVP to just the core feature of your app, as even that would get your product out there. As it gains traction and even begins trickling in early revenue, you can funnel that money into improving your app development.

In short, the cost of developing an MVP is very flexible, making it affordable to SMEs of all sizes.

Factors Influencing MVP Development Costs

  1. App Complexity and Features

The complexity of your MVP is a major cost driver. A simple app with basic features will cost significantly less than a complex app with advanced functionalities.

For instance, an MVP with basic user authentication, a simple user interface, and essential features might fall on the lower end of the cost spectrum. In contrast, an MVP with complex integrations, custom animations, and advanced features like AI or AR will be more expensive.

  1. Development Team Location

The geographic location of your development team plays a crucial role in determining costs. Development rates vary widely across regions. The average hourly rate for development services in North America ranges from $100 to $150, while in Eastern Europe, it ranges from $25 to $50 . Hence, hiring a development team in Eastern Europe can be more cost-effective compared to North America.

  1. Development Time

The time required to develop an MVP also impacts the overall cost. A typical MVP development timeline can range from 2 to 6 months.

A shorter timeline often means higher costs due to the need for more resources or a larger team to meet the deadline. Conversely, a longer development period might reduce costs but delay time to market.

  1. Design and User Experience

Investing in a high-quality design and user experience (UX) is essential for your MVP’s success. However, sophisticated designs and seamless UX come at a cost.

According to Clutch, the average cost of design services for an MVP can range from $5,000 to $20,000, depending on the level of detail and customization required .

  1. Technology Stack

The choice of technology stack also influences MVP development costs. Some technologies and frameworks are more expensive due to licensing fees or the scarcity of skilled developers.

For example, developing an MVP using open-source technologies like React Native or Flutter might be more cost-effective compared to proprietary technologies.

Cost Breakdown of MVP Development

To provide a clearer picture, let’s break down the typical costs associated with MVP development:

Planning and Requirements Gathering: $1,000 – $5,000

Design (UI/UX): $5,000 – $20,000

Development: $10,000 – $100,000

Testing and Quality Assurance: $2,000 – $10,000

Project Management: $2,000 – $10,000

These costs are approximate and can vary based on the specifics of your project. It’s important to work closely with your development team to get a detailed estimate tailored to your MVP. As we already discussed, MVP development costs are very flexible and you could adjust the number of features you incorporate or the design complexity you choose. For instance, if you develop an MVP that only addresses your core functionality, uses a basic design template, and is built by developers in India or Ukraine, you could get your MVP ready for as low as $10,000. In the long run, that $10,000 would in fact have saved you many times more in terms of missteps avoided and lessons learnt.



Building an MVP is not just a best practice, it’s a necessity in today’s fast-paced app market. By starting small and scaling up, you’ll save time, money, and resources in the long run. Don’t risk it all on a full app without validating your concept first. Take the smart approach: develop an MVP, test your idea, gather feedback, and iterate before investing in a full-scale app. This foundation will help you build a thriving app that truly meets your users’ needs and drives real results for your business.

For more detailed and personalized estimates, get in touch with our team for a free consultation. Based on your app development requirements, we can provide a tailored breakdown of your cost of developing an MVP.



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Hiral Atha is the Founder and CEO of Moveoapps. With a decade of proficiency in building digital platforms that drive innovation and user engagement, Hiral has helped businesses outshine competitors and captivate audiences. Armed with a deep understanding of market dynamics and emerging trends, Hiral has implemented strategic initiatives that have positioned businesses as market leaders, capitalizing on emerging opportunities.

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