The team of ACV loves travelling and wanted to make finding and booking a villa, super convenient and fun for all travelers. They wanted an app that would help customers find their perfect Awesome Caribbean Villa quickly, so they could spend less time searching for a villa, and more time enjoying it. The web application has some amazing features including satellite views and instant quotes with full rate breakdowns and easy-to-use filters.
The client began visiting the Caribbean years ago and fell in love with the islands. They felt that there's nothing like the crystal-clear waters, incredible people and fun-filled vibe of the Caribbean.
The client bought their first villa on Turks & Caicos in 2015, put it on the rental market and occasionally escaped down from San Francisco themselves, to enjoy it when it wasn’t taken. That’s when they decided to start Awesome Caribbean Villas, so they could help others come to the Caribbean just as easily, and make their holiday the best vacation they ever had.
The client, having worked with us before, came to us with the core requirement, which was to provide the admin an efficient way to add villas, manage amenities and confirm bookings and cancellations. Also, they wanted a way to involve villa owners for approval in offline mode. The most crucial part however, was to create an easy and attractive interface for the users to browse through a range of villas, get enough detail to make the right choice and book their favorite villa within minutes.
Planning a trip to the Caribbean should be a zero-stress event and the Awesome Caribbean Villas app helps make it just that. Working on this app was a wonderful experience for us at Moveo Apps. We loved incorporating rich graphics and satellite views of stunning villas just as much as we enjoyed working on the complex logic and data, when creating this app. The app has been as delightful for the client and the users as it has been for us.